In March I bought a pair of gerbil sisters for a couple who are good friends of mine. Their birthdays are a week apart.
I promised them I would baby sit the gerbils if they go out of town and they took me up on it last week. I was gerbi-sitting for about 7 days.
You can see the story of how I got the gerbils and the cage. My friends named them Miss Naomi (champagne color) and Miss Ruth (black color). I am attached to Naomi and Ruth since I chose them. I think they are the cutest gerbils in Houston.
They’ve grown since I first got them, they have beautiful coats, they are very inquisitive, they love each other, they kiss a lot, sleep together.
When I first got them from the store, I tried to feed them bits of fruit, pieces of veggies like carrots and broccoli, cookies, all kinds of things I found in the kitchen. They ate everything. After all they are rodents. They were excited when they saw my hand reaching down because they knew I had some goodie for them.
Here Miss Ruth

How did they get to be so pampered? Their Daddy and Mommy.
When I got them for my gerbi-sitting job, I was given a strict set of instructions:
Water? Only bottled spring water. I got a whole dissertation about the chlorine in the water and how it’s not good for them (and us).
Nuts? Only organic, natural, from Whole Foods or Central Market.
Something to Chew on? Nothing with dye or colors. In fact, even the purple plastic igloo you see in the picture is now discarded.
I tell ya, some pampered rodents. Even I don’t eat as well.
Naomi and Ruth are the sweetest gerbils, they loved me hand, they love each other, they are still inquisitive and active. I spent hours with them. I just fell in love. How can you not?
When I told them their Mommy is coming to pick them up they perked up and listened. I swear they understood what I was saying. When they heard Mamma voice, they were happy.
I can’t wait until my friends go out of town again.
Update: My wish came true. They went to Florida to see the Apollo launch, and took the initiative to get a new cage for the girls. Take a look.
Here's Miss Naomi
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